
We recently went into central London, hoping for a lovely evening of strolling around looking at the beautiful lights, soaking up a festive atmosphere and finishing with a lovely cocktail in a quiet bar.

In reality, it was a nightmare! The crowds were ridiculous. There were way too many people to be able to walk with ease. There was a constant “dodging” going on. The lights were poor and every bar and pub we went to was rammed and noisy. It was very disappointing.

We changed our plans and headed to the river, hoping for a pub along the way. They were all too full. Until, peering down a quiet alleyway with no lights we spotted a bar that looked closed! Except it wasn’t. They just hadn’t put the outside lights on. We chanced it, and found a lovely bar, a quiet table, good food and beer. The evening was redeemed.

On the way home I reflected on how every human participant could have easily missed the beauty of the moment in the stable. For each, there were brighter lights to be enjoyed elsewhere.

But these guests. Shepherd and Magi (who were only momentarily distracted) had enough about them to look for the unexpected. Stars were followed and angels wondered at. Eventually He was found. In a stable and in poverty.

Isaiah 53:2 He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire him.

Lord, forgive our easy distraction. Our measured responses.

Help us to see you, and to welcome you, in all your heavenly spleandour.