We have lots going on for young families both on Sundays and midweek.
Toolbox Tots meets at the 10:30am Service, teaching our under-5s the foundations for a life with Jesus as their friend.
After a few songs, the kids go out into their groups for a lovely session of worship, craft, prayer a small bible story, and lots of play time!
We aim to start conversations that you can have with your pre-schoolers, and to help you along the journey of doing faith as a family!
On the 1st Sunday of the month at 9:30am we also have our Earlybird Service, especially for Preschoolers!
Puppet Church meets at 10:30am for some singing, a story from the bible, and some craft. All welcome, no need to book.
10:00-11:00am on the Mezzanine at St Michael’s. Prayer, study, and play for parents/guardians & little ones
prayer, study, play
1:30-2:30pm in the Cross Room at St Michael’s. An hour of sensory play, cosy company and prayer for mums and their babies (no older siblings please).
Our Stay & Play Cafe runs 10:00 - 11:30am with free play, songs, and story time.
Little Fingers Nursery
Our own beautiful term-time space where ages 2-5 learn to play and play to learn.
Follow us on Instagram for all the latest Pre-schooler’s info! : @stmikeskids